Beginning in 2000, with the aid of an independent engineering firm, Global Hammocks Incorporated developed and refined solutions to fill the innovation gap left by the Hammock Source.
We developed perfect stands for hanging hammocks and hammock chairs efficiently, safely, aesthetically, and compactly.
These leisure innovations were designed to enrich future generations.
Unlike steel-by-the-pound seasonal items destined for the landfill, our designs are engineered with integrity, and built to last.
They are built to the comfort standard, not a shaved down cost model.
I filed for 2 patents in 2002 and received both patents in 2005.
Hanging Chair Stand - Patent 7040995
Universal Hammock Support - Patent 7010819
My patents encapsulated and expanded the hammock market at once. They rendered dozens of stands obsolete, in fact, all of them.
These patents mark the state-of-the-art. There are no other patents in the arena of hammock supports with an iota of value measured against ours.
Did that stem the tidal wave of obsolete shammocks flooding our markets from China and into the backyards of Americans? Of course not.
You cannot eliminate a global epidemic when one doctor administers the cure to a relative handful of patients, while the rest of the "doctors" are paid to spread the disease.
And, billions of dollars of corporate profits are at stake here. 10 years ago hammocks were somewhat uncommon items on the shelves of the typical Big Box store. And The Hammock Source supplied nearly all of them.
Ten years ago, we began introducing comfortable hammocks to many shoppers who didn't even know what a hammock was. "What do you call that thing you're laying on ?"
Now hammocks are standard seasonal fare. Every major retailer in the world offers hammocks and hammock stands either directly on their shelves, or online, or both.
None of them have a quality control or design requirement that ensures comfort and quality will be part of their offering.
Too many people are stacked in the deal. Shammocks are bought and sold 3 or 4 times before they get to you. Anything that trades hands that many times has to be made as cheaply as possible.
None of these buyers were in the hammock business a decade ago.
Now they are all in the hammock business, buying cheap goods direct from China. There is no one in the chain of command who cares about comfort, no one knows how to build comfort into a shaved down "item."
We were still a relatively small company in 2006 when our ground-breaking patents finally issued.
Rather than focusing on the marketing of our revolutionary products, we spent the last 5 years, and a large share of our resources, battling a large Hong Kong corporation bent on snaking us out of those patents and dashing us on the rocks of the legal system until we expired.
We proved fraud against that company after a grueling series of lawsuits. We have prevailed to continue in our mission of containing and undoing the viral spread of substandard shammocks and shammock stands.
Meanwhile, Mass Retail buyers all woke up to the fact that there was nothing proprietary to buy from The Hammock Source. They all began knocking off The Hammock Source and buying direct from the factory in China at the cheapest price.
Chinese factories compete with a vengeance, so the number of hammock factories in China numbers in the thousands today (and ten years ago there were less than 5).
Our patented products are still unmatched today, and that will continue to be the case because
THERE ARE NO OTHER INNOVATORS IN THIS MARKET. Mass retail has no incentive to build comfort into this model. They make excellent profits selling shammocks and shammock stnads.
Compare our products to the rest. With a critical eye you can see that we are peerless. With your eyes closed, you can feel it.
Rest in The Best™ !